Thursday, May 6, 2010

Questions for mommies IV

- Did any of you ever give any vitamins for your kids before they were 1?

- How was it when when your children started eating solids? Is it normal if they don't like any kind of baby food whatsoever?

- How do you deal with picky eaters?


Unknown said...

My son is 18 months and I have never give him any vitamins. He sometimes go through phases where he doesn't want o eat much. But luckly for me he is a good drinker, so I make lots of healthy juices and smoothies to compensate when he doesn't want to eat much. He is a strong and healthy boy and rarely gets sick. He is only in the 50 percentile for his weight, but in the 90 percentile for his height.
And when he doesn't want to eat something I make him try at least one bite. Sometimes he changes his mind and continues to eat , and if he really doesn't like it I don't force him.

Aline Carson said...

I never gave any vitamins to my kids )although I want to), the second question is mine hehe and I struggle everyday with my picky eater. So I pretty much don't know the answer to any of those questions! ;)

Kika VilaNova said...

I haven't given vitamins to Olivia, but I would if my doctor told me too. Luckily she is a good eater and I try my best to give her lots of fruits and veggetables and lean meats so I don't think she NEEDS vitamins now...

Olivia started solids early. I squeezed fruits and veggies in my juicer and started giving her some when she was 2 months old. I was worried because she wasn't breastfeeding so I wanted to make sure she had lots of fresh nutrients from fruits and veggies. She has always accepted everything we give her but I do NOT give her unhealthy foods. I want to help avoid develop a "taste" for sugar, fried foods, junky treats in general.

I have been blessed that she is a good eater, I don't know how I would deal with a picky eater... I guess patience would be key? Not giving up? And maybe eating those foods you want them to eat along with them so maybe they see "well, mommy is eating them.. I'll try." Does that work? I hope so! Good luck :)

Liesl said...

- I didn't give vitamins to my first two and they seem to be just fine now. I have given vitamins to my 3rd because the doctor told me to. He said that breast milk lacks Vitamin D (I think that's the one he said) and that they need to get that. So at least when I remember to give her vitamins I do it, maybe once a week or so.

- I am starting my baby on solids right now. The other two I waited until they were 7/8 months. That was purely out of being lazy and bottle/breast feeding was just easier and quicker. They were very picky and didn't like many baby foods. This baby the doctor told me to start her at 4 months. I thought that was a little early so I waited until 5 months. She will eat and like anything! She is basically in love with food, lol. I wish I had started the others earlier like her.

- picky eaters....hmmm, I have 2. They have gone through many stages of pickiness and we have delt with it in many different ways and it works for a while and then they get picky again. Lately I have had to say that if they don't eat their dinner then I keep it in the fridge for them and they don't get anything but that until the next day. When they complain that they are hungry I just pull it out again and heat it up. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. I hate sending them to bed hungry though because then they don't sleep very well.

Mara RĂºbia said...

The doctor prescribed vitamin "D" for my son and she said he should take until 36 months.
Some doctors in Brazil prescribe "iron" for babies, but this was don't case my son.
Sometimes I give him vitamin "C", to he doesn't get cold.

I give solid food since he has six months.
Sam loves food for babies, but there are children who simply don't like. I think it's normal...

@bicaflor said...

I have given Lucas Vitamin C and Iron since he was about 6 months. I started with the B Complex when he was 1, but this was all prescribed by his doctor.

I have just developed a bullet proof technique for picky eating: breakfast at 7am, than nothing but water until about 11-11:30. They will eat ANYTHING! It might sound a little like "Hitler´s diet for babies" but sometimes it´s the only thing that´ll work and I figured it´s better to be very hungry at lunchtime and eat all the healthy things they´re supposed to, than eat cookies at midmorning, milk/bottle at noon because he won´t have his veggies, and then stuff his face with whatever he´ll agree to all day long so he doesn´t get hungry.

Also, one other thing that I did when he was about 2 was that I told him that the Backyardigans loved carrots (for example) and he was having the same things as Pablo for lunch today (you can use this with whatever food and whatever character they like), so the salad was the "Lazytown salad"...