Monday, May 31, 2010

Exchanging good ideas

My friend Rebeca wrote me on facebook today and gave me the idea to do a post to exchange all of the good ideas and little secrets we have that make our lives easier. That can include anything from cleaning products to super easy/yummy recipes. Things that we wish we could share with the whole world and everybody would thank us because it's so good. Think about it, and if you can't think of anything, think harder! I know you have at least one.

I'm going to start with mine.

* Brownie in a Mug. So easy. So Yummy. Great anti-stress medicine.

4 Tablespoons flour
4 Tablespoons sugar
2 Tablespoons cocoa
2 Tablespoons water
2 Tablespoons oil
dash of salt.
Mix all together in a mug and microwave for 45-60 seconds. It'll be slightly "fudgey." Let it sit for a few moments and put a scoop or two of vanilla ice cream on top. Sooo NOT fatening! haha. But ohhh sooo good! Give it a try and then tell me what you think!

* Mr. Clean Magic Erasers. Erases everything, even crayon marks on walls.

* Toy broom & Cleaning Supplies set. Who would've thought that such a silly, inexpensive toy would be so entertaining? My kids absolutely LOVE this almost over any other (even more expensive) toy they own.
There are more styles on this website.

See how random this was? Recipe, cleaning supply and a toy. So really, you can share ANYTHING you would like!

Rebeca here:

So my friend borrowed some of my clothes the other day, and when she returned them, they smelled SO GOOD I had to ask her what laundry detergent she uses. She said that besides her laundry detergent which is something like Gain, she also uses Bounce Dryer Bars. And we decided to give it a try. Boy, that stuff is good!! I hated it that my laundry never had that amazing fresh smell. Now it does :)

Another thing I loved: 2 weeks ago I bought this thing for our toilet bowl.

Our apartment is old and I believe it was never remodeled therefore, all the fixtures, toilets, tub, etc are old as well. There's always been this rust coming off of the toilet where the water comes of when you flush. I was always cleaning it up cuz it made me mad to see that...there was nothing I could do besides getting it cleaned every other day.
Anyways, I found this at the store. It cost me around $5 but it is worth it. I didnt clean the toilet bowl ever since we bought it. I don't need to clean it all the time anymore! It is always clean and smells good. I love it!!

Kika here:

Something that makes my life easier is the BUMBO SEAT! We don't have a lot of space for a high chair so I sit Olivia on the bumbo seat to feed her. When she wants my attention and I have to wash the dishes or (try to) cook, I put the bumbo on the kitchen counter where I can see it and do my thing while talking to her. She is entertained and the complaining stops. And when I want her to quiet down I put the bumbo on the floor and she sits on it with a book. It's funny. She likes that thing and it's very handy.


Kika VilaNova said...

hmmm I shared a homemade bean sala that's super easy and fast and also chicken salad (chicken from the can, I know fresh chicken is way better but this salad is yummie).

Something that makes my life easier is the BUMBO SEAT! We don't have a lot of space for a high chair so I sit Olivia on the bumbo seat to feed her. When she wants my attention and I have to wash the dishes or (try to) cook, I put the bumbo on the kitchen counter where I can see it and do my thing while talking to her. She is entertained and the complaining stops. And when I want her to quiet down I put the bumbo on the floor and she sits on it with a book. It's funny. She likes that thing and it's very handy.

If I think of more things I can share I'll let you know :)


Simone said...

Aline, vou tentar o brownie. Quanto tempo no microondas, por favor? Obrigada! bjs

Aline Carson said...

Ai Simone, ainda bem que vc me falou! Esqueci de colocar o tempo. É de 45-60 segundos!

Simone said...

legal! obrigada!!!! bjs

Mila Amorim said...

Se por um acaso voce quiser fazer uma receita facil, rapida, simples mas gostosa, pode fazer o brigadeiro de microondas, todo mundo adora!
1 lata de leite condensado
1 lata de creme de leite
3 ovos
1 copo de Nescau ou Nesquick

Bata tudo no liquidificador. Coloque em uma tigela e esquente no microondas por 7 min. E pronto!!!

Aline Carson said...

É brigadeiro normal ou brigadeirão?

Liesl said...

mmmmmmmmmmmm, brownies! Just what I need! Thanks for sharing that idea! On Sundays I always get a sweet tooth and have nothing around because I am trying to loose weight, so this is perfect!!!!

hmmmmm, one idea that I've had recently is to help keep the house quiet while the baby is sleeping. I tell the kids to pretend to be a spy and sneak around the house looking for anything suspicious. They tiptoe around whispering "sneaky" and look through toilet paper rolls and find things. It keeps them quiet for about 1/2 hour.

Mila Amorim said...

Ops, é brigadeirao!!

Mila Amorim said...

Ops, é brigadeirao!!

Aline Carson said...

Nossa, que legal!!! Vou ter que tentar!!!