Saturday, March 6, 2010

Children's Books

I absolutely LOVE children's books. I started my collection long before I even thought about having kids. There's just something magical about them. I also love art, and some of these books' illustrations blow me away.

I would like to start this topic by asking each of you:

what was your favorite children's book growing up? What was so special about that one book that made it your favorite?

Well, here's my all-time favorite children's book:

King Bidgood's in the Bathtub by Audrey Wood.
The story talks about a kig who doesn't want to get out of the bathtub and everybody in the castle tries to get him out but ends up in the bathtub as well.

I bought it when I was bout seven-years-old and what really caught my attention were the illustrations. But it made it even better when I read it for the first time and realized that the story was good too! I just remember thinking how I had never seen anything like it before.

So there you go, I really recomend this one! And make sure to check out all of Audrey Wood and Don Wood's books, they're all great!


Audrey Holjeson said...

It's funny because I just got back from my parents house and found my childhood books too. They brought back so many memories!! Since I have a really short term memory, when I remember something from years ago it means it really stuck with me. One of the books I still remember reading was "O Grande Rabanete" by Tatiana Belinky just because of the fact that NOBODY could get that thing out of the ground, so it always intrigued me how a vegetable could grow to be so big! hehe...the other one I would spend hours thinking about was "Ao pe da letra" by Alina Perlman and it's about a little girl who took everything literally! And there was this boy she liked named Dario who looked really cute (it was just a drawing, but anyways!) and I always told myself that if I had a boy I would name him Dario...but I don't think that will happen anymore! I still like the name, but Bryan doesn't! :(
Tiffany still hasn't reached the stage where she likes us to read for her, she just likes to go through the pages and see the drawings (especially if there's animals!), but I hope she gets there soon, cuz I love to read children's books...

Mama Baer | said...

I love love love children's books too. There is something magical about a picture of children's novel that you just can't beat.
Growing up, and still today, one of my favorites was Where the Wild Things Are. It's so imaginative, I guess that is why I liked it.

We always had tons of books at home and I loved all of them. From Brazil I loved the Sitio do Pica Pau Amarelo series, I use to read them over and over, and anything my Ana Maria Machado too.

Thomas loves books. He mostly likes to just look at the pictures, but he loves it when we sit him on our lap and flip through the pages with him and point out things or ask him to point out things. But there is one book that I have no idea where it came from, about a little gold fish that he loves. This book I can read it start to finish, that he will pay attention and point things out and even screams when he sees the pictures of the big whale. I can read this book countless times and he never gets tired of it.

Kika VilaNova said...

I love children's books too, most the time I love them more than adults' books! I want to start a collection. Olivia loves books. I don't read to her every day (I know i should...) but we do read often, go to the library, watch story time... She knows how to turn the pages of books, I think that's so cute!

I like the "Oh The Places You'll Go" and Dr Seuss in general. but I also love picture books where we, parents, can create the story too.


Camila Kretly said...

Ai, eu seeeempre gostei de livros e mesmo quando pequena vivia na biblioteca. Infelizmente, hj naum tenho tanto tempo quanto gostaria para le-los mas tenho aos montes.. O meu preferido era "A Bonequinha Preta", que conta a historia de uma bonequinha que estava na janela e caiu no cesto de alface do verdureiro, entaum conta as aventuras... Era meu preferido, e eu lia, e lia, um milhaum de vezes! E tem os da adolescencia, claro, Pedro Bandeira, e etc, mas isso eh outra historia!

Camila Kretly said...
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Mila Amorim said...

My favorite book growing up is called "O Caracol" (The snail) by Mary França. The snail compares its life with other animals lives and what it can't do like the others such as flying, walking fast, etc but at the end of the story it starts raining and the snail realizes that its shell (is that how you call it??) protects it from the rain and the snail sees something good in itself too. It's really cute, I memorized the book when I was about 5 years old, I loved telling the story over and over again. I don't have the book anymore (it got lost somehow, my mom doesn't know what happened to it) but I found it at BYU Library and I cried when I saw it and read it again after so many years... it's a good book.

Unknown said...

Unfortunately I did not grow up with a lot of children's book around me. The only one I remember was called "Maneco Caneco Chapeu de Funil", I read it a lot to my little sister and she memorized when she was about 4 years old. Other than that book the only things I remember reading were my older brothers school books, I loved the ones about geography and anatomy. Thomas loves books too! Every morning when I take him out of the crib the first thing he wants to do is "read" a book, so he does it while I change his diaper. His favorite one is about "Baby Animals",I like it too. The book is made from 98% recycled materials and is published by Green Start. If any of you would like to know more about it you can go to